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THE PATH IN SEARCH OF A QUEEN, egg tempera on gesso board, 30.5cm x 40.6cm, 2022.jpg
  • Fine art:   1996 -2002 Ken Back R.A.
  • Writing:   1997 - 2000 Maria Beston Art Historian

Art education

  • 2001 - 2003 Norwich School of Art & Design

       M.A.Fine Art


  • 1997 - 2001 Nowich School of Art & Design

       BA Honours Degree Fine Art, 2.1

       Commendation for Dissertation


  • 1997  Wensum Lodge Adult Education Centre, Norwich

       Art & Design Ceramics GCSE ‘O’ Level


  • 1997 Norwich City College

       Art & Design: Historical and Critical GCSE ‘A’ Level


  • Norwich School of Art & Design

       Foundation Studies, BTEC Diploma




2021 Sept November  Norwich Festival Open studios and participation in Open Studios taster exhibition at the Forum, Norwich.  


2021 21-31 October Chalk*Clay*Sand*Salt 

Contemporary art exhibition running alongside events at Cromer Community Centre, open daily to visitors from 21 – 31 October, 10.30 to 4pm.     

2015 October - Institute of East Anglian Artists Open             Submission Exhibition, hosted by The Picturecraft Gallery, Holt. Norfolk.

2020 November My work titled ‘Shadow’ included in The Discerning Eye Exhibition,Parker Harris, London.


2020 Autumn My work titled ‘Shadow’ highly commended The John Hurt Art Prize, Holt Festival, Holt, Norfolk


2019 February Gallery 21. Reepham, Norfolk, Solo exhibition for one month


2018 May-June Norwich Festival Open Studios


2018 May June Norwich Festival, Open Studios curated exhibition at the Theatre Royal


2017 May /June – Norfolk Open Studios and Forum Taster Exhibition


2017 May/June – Norfolk Open Studios Theatre Royal Exhibition


2015 October - Institute of East Anglian Artists Open             Submission Exhibition, hosted by The Picturecraft Gallery, Holt. Norfolk.

2015 September - Underground, Looking Twice, Lonely Arts Club, The Undercroft, Norwich, Norfolk.


2014 October - Autumn Show - Lonely Arts Club Autumn  show, Nuns Yard and Yallops, St. Augustines, Norwich, Norfolk.


2014 August /September - Un Imaginable - Lonely Arts Club, The Undercroft, Norwich, Norfolk.


2014 April - Solo show,The Swan House, Beccles, Norfolk.

2014 - Norwich Contemporary Arts - open exhibition, The Forum, Norwich, Norfolk.


2013 November - Artree Studio Club, The Red Light Gallery, Grapes Hill View, Norwich, Norfolk. 


2013 September/October - Solo exhibition of paintings and drawings, Wymondham Arts Centre, Wymondham, Norfolk.

2013 June/July - Anteros Foundation Open Summer Exhibition, Norwich, Norfolk. (Also see prizes and awards)


2013 April/May - Evolution of Angels St. Peter Hungate Art Museum, Norwich, Norfolk.


2012 September - SLASH @ Wymondham Art Centre, artists Christine Allman, Kathryn and Dennis Caswell, Aidan Abernethy,and David Kenyon, Wymondham, Norfolk. 


2011 August - SLASH @ Wymondham Art Centre, artists

Christine Allman, Kathryn and Dennis Caswell, Anna MacRae and Aidan Abernethy, Wymondham, Norfolk.


2011 July - Elements: Material World, The Forum, City Centre, Norwich, Norfolk.

2010 December - Solo exhibition, The Swan House, Beccles, Norfolk.

2010 September - Lonely Arts Club ‘10’, The Forum, City Centre, Norwich, Norfolk

2010 July/August - Salthouse 10, Landmark, Celebrating 10yr Aniversary, NNEP, Salthouse Church, Salthouse, Norfolk.



2010 May -Launch & Open Studios ZEROEAST Art Studios, 

Norwich, Norfolk.

2009 July - The Lonely Arts Club ‘09’ , The Forum, City Centre, Norwich, Norfol


2008 July/August - SLASH at WAS, artists Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich, artists Christine Allman, Kathryn Caswell and Dennis Caswell, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich, Norfolk.


2008 June/July - Wunderkammer Festival, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich.


2008 May - An Invisible Sun, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich, Norfolk


2008 May - Open Studios, Warehouse Artists Studios

Norwich, Norfolk.

2007 June - SLASH @ St. Margaret's Church, Norwich, Norfolk.

2007 Jan/Feb - Warehouse Artists Studios 'Winter Festival 07’ exhibition, workshops, talks and events, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich, Norfolk.


2006 March - Solo show, The Swan House, Beccles, Norfolk.

2005 September - Fringe at the Factory, Norwich Fringe Festival,

Norwich, Norfolk.

2005 July/August - Salthouse 05, Salthouse Church, Salthouse, Norfolk.

2005 May - Warehouse Open Studios, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich, Norfolk


2005 February - Warehouse on the Wash, artists from the Warehouse Artists Studios, King’s Arts Centre, Kings Lynn, Norfolk.


2004 November - ‘Unfold’, Solo show, gallery talk, slide seminar and student tutorials, Hay Gallery, Colchester Institute of Art & Design, Colchester, Essex


2004 Sept/October - Fringe at the Factory, Norwich Fringe Festival, Norwich, Norfolk.

2004 August - Salthouse 04, Salthouse Church, Salthouse, Norfolk.


2004 May - Norfolk Open Studios 2004, Norwich, Norfolk.


2004 May - Suffolk Open Studios 2004, Stables Gallery, Diss, Norfolk.


2004 April - The Ken Back Legacy, exhibition of work by the students of Ken Back R.A, Graham & Oldham Artist’s Gallery, Ipswich, Suffolk.

2004 March - Solo show, The Swan House, Beccles, Norfolk.


2003 September - M.A.Fine Art, Final Show, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich, Norfolk.

2003 April - Uncertain Histories- Elements Of Danger. East Wing Gallery, Blickling Hall, Norfolk. 


2003 March - M.A. Interim show, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich Norfolk.


2002 August - M.A. Interim show, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich, Norfolk.

2002 March - Solo show, The Swan House, Beccles, Norfolk

2002 March - Treading Boards, The Stroud House Gallery, Stroud, Gloucestershire.

2002 February - M.A. Interim show, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich, Norfolk.


2001 July - B.A Degree Final Show, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich, Norfolk.


2000 November -  Figuratively Speaking, Norwich School of Art & Design, Norwich, Norfolk.


1996 Spring - Work by Norwich School of Art & Design Students, Norwich Cathedral, Norwich, Norfolk



Awards and Prizes

2013 - The Anteros Open Summer Exhibition Painting Prize


2002 - The Association of Art Historians Essay Prize 2002, for essay Palimpsest A Pornography of Wounds, in association with The Department of  History, The Arts Centre, University of Nottingham. 



Publications & Reviews

2002 - Abstact of Palimpsest A Pornography of Wounds  published in the Asssociation of Art Historians journal.


2003 July -  Book review of Drapery, Classicism and Barbarism in Visual Culture, written by Gen Doy, (Professor of Visual Culture at De Montford University) published in 'Textiles' journal distributed in both the United Kingdom and  United States America.   


2014 Jan - Elements: Material Worlds, Norwich Contemporary Arts 2014, Meet the Artists. Talks by participating artists over three days, The Forum, Norwich, Norfolk.

2004 November - ‘Unfold’, Solo show, gallery talk, slide seminar and student tutorials, Hay Gallery, Colchester Institute of Art & Design, Colchester, Essex


2008 June/ July - Wunderkammer Festival, Warehouse Artists Studios, Norwich.  Artists Studios, Norwich, Norfolk.


2007 Jan/Feb - Warehouse Artists Studios 'Winter Festival 07’, oil glazing demonstration, talk, slides and workshop,  


2004 November - ‘Unfold’, Solo show,  oil glazing demonstration, Hay Gallery, Colchester Institute of Art & Design, Colchester, Essex

Teaching History

 I began The Art Tree Studio Club in 2009. It grew from the belief that every individual has a unique capacity for creative development whatever their age or ability. Adopting the image of a tree as its logo the 'art tree' as a concept represents the intuitive and organic development of the artist and their art.' I continue to teach students from my studio on this basis.

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